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Mobile health applications are nothing without a solid engagement strategy. What's the point in acquiring all these users if they delete their mobile application within the next week?

That's the issue companies are facing.

They know how to build an app.

They know how to market the app.

But user retention is where they are falling drastically short.

So we know that we need to improve user engagement. But how do we do it?

Here are just some methods of user engagement you should consider when building your mobile health application:

πŸ‘‰ Personalized suggestions - Make sure the advice you give to your users are unique to their health situation

πŸ‘‰ Alert Management - Empower the user to have notifications that works for them. Constant buzzes on the phone can be just.. annoying!

πŸ‘‰ Integrated care plan - This is treatment monitoring and tracking holistically where the user is on their health journey

πŸ‘‰ Medication tracker & reminder - Who doesn't forget to take their medication/supplements? Empower users to set up reminders on the app so they never forget the next dose.

Mobile applications are the big player in the digital health revolution. When building a solution, remember that engaging your users is as important as acquiring them.


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